Atlanta History Center Hosts Its Annual Veterans Day Service – News Nation USA

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ATLANTA (CW69 News at 10) — Neeka Jeter says her dad, Raymond Jeter, Sr., turns 95 on November 15. That was the same day he was drafted years ago.

“He served in Germany in World War II,” she said. “His medals show he was in the occupation group and his World War II medal.”

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Raymond only recently started talking about his experiences in the military.

“He was in a city where there were the concentration camps and so he saw a lot of things that he didn’t want to remember,” she said. “He finally decided it was time to tell his story.”

The Atlanta History Center’s Veterans Day commemoration event honors veterans like Raymond and others for their service and sacrifice.

“I’m here today to pay my tribute to those that served and those that gave all,” said State Sen. Ed Harbison.

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A key theme to this year’s celebration is to honor those inducted into the Georgia Military Veterans Hall of Fame. The non-profit honors veterans as well as educates the younger generations on military heroes.

“We have about 25 million living veterans that have served this country and stood for freedom, said Georgia Military Veterans Hall of Fame Director Col. Richard H. White.

It was important to the Atlanta History Center to honor veterans and those inducted into the Georgia Military Veterans Hall of Fame by having the event at Veterans Park on the History Center grounds.

“This park when it was installed we did a sacred soil ceremony,” said Atlanta History Center President and CEO Sheffield Hale. “We had soil collected from battlefields from all across the United States and around the world.”

“We have a time capsule buried under the seal and some more memorabilia inside the History Center,” said master of ceremonies Bryan Tate.

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The Park opened on Memorial Day 2013 and will continue to serve as a place for people to remember veterans and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice.

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