Baby Lock’s hair isn’t styled, it’s a rare condition #uncombablehairsyndrome

Uncombable hair syndrome is so rare, the genetic condition has only about 100 confirmed cases.
IG: @ uncombable_locks

What Makes Today’s Republican Party Tick?: 6 Possibilities!

Although, the Republican Party, often, proudly, refers to itself, as the Party of Lincoln, a somewhat – objective look, at that party, today, appears, as – much, add – odds, with Lincoln’s philosophies, and priorities, as possible! Until, recently, it stood – for, conservative policies, especially, in terms of economic approaches, while, still, standing for protecting, all those American freedoms, and guarantees, protected, by our Constitution. However, in recent years, it has seemed to transform – itself, to, in the past – four years, especially, simply, the Party of Trump!

Running Man: From Cracking Jokes While Playing Games

When it comes to South Korean reality-variety shows, many can take the cake. But, one show that is one of the most popular as the good Sunday series is the ‘Running man.’ Without any doubt, this quirky, adventurous, comedy-rich, and competitive variety show with hosts and guests is quite an entertainer.

6 Tips To Help You Buy A Condo

The condo is short for condominiums. Typically, a condo is one unit in a multiple-unit real estate. In other words, it’s a building or community that looks like an apartment.

Two Sides Of God

If one believes in a transcendent God the question arises in how far He relates to His creation. This is called God’s immanence. And so there are different sides one can ascribe to the Creator, just because He has a relation to His Work.

God Reveals Himself

Anybody that believes there is “something” up there has some notion on how he thinks that thing or person can be known or concluded to. Christians and Jews believe that God reveals Himself in the whole bible, or just the Old Testament.