Sydney McLaughlin breaks own world record; Beach volleyball semis and USWNT on Thursday | USA TODAY

U.S. 400m hurdler Sydney McLaughlin earned gold in world record time. Thursday may be the last time we see several USWNT players in the Olympics.

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Every Care Taken But No Responsibility

The world around does not help us clear our perceptions. It can confuse us further. In this article, I am trying to show how the world manipulates the individual. Please become aware of the surrounding traps and avoid them if you can. If you become a victim, do not hesitate to expose the traps. Others might benefit from your experience.

Why Does A Mother Enmeshed Man Want To Rescue His Mother?

While both her son and his mother will be adults, he can have the need to essentially save his mother. It then won’t matter if he is not a doctor or a therapist, for instance, as he will do what he can to resolve all her issues.

Finding Your Personal BEST!

How many times, have you, claimed to be seeking, and/ or, heard someone else, state, they sought to find, and obtain, their personal BEST? This is, often, a somewhat – challenging, concept, to understand, because, it may, have significantly, different things, to different people! What would you be ready, willing, and able, to do, in order to achieve, this goal, and personal quest?

Being A Leader Means Doing What’s RIGHT!

Although, many individuals, either, are elected, selected, and/ or, ascend, to positions of leadership, very few, actually, earn the right, to be considered, leaders! After, over four decades, of personal involvement, in, nearly, all aspects, related to effectively, leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, I strongly, believe, one, often – overlooked, contributing factor, is, if one wants to be a true leader, he realizes, it is necessary, to consistently, do, what’s RIGHT, rather than, either, taking some path, of least resistance, or personally/ politically, expedient, and/ or, perceived/ believed, to…

Where Has Our American SPIRIT Gone?

Many of us, who have witnessed, the United States of America, in previous eras/ times, as compared to today, and wondered, what’s happened to the principles. ideology, and SPIRIT, for – good, this nation, has stood – for, and represented, since its inception! When, the level of polarization, and partisan politics, is at this unprecedented level, it pits us, against each other, rather than seeking, a meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good!